Two nights ago I had a disturbing dream. I found myself standing inside an apartment, and there were two other people there, a man and a woman. The woman stood yelling at me, emotionally and upset, making no sense to me. The man hid in the bedroom. I did not see him, but I knew he was with the woman. He was avoiding the situation, hiding.
I wanted to be away from these two people. In the dream, I sensed that I had been living with them. They seemed to be "over" me, as in, parental figures, but they were not my parents. I knew I did not want to be around them any more.
I found a key and left, turning to lock the door behind me. The lock on the outside of the door was not a regular lock. It was a padlock. As I turned the key, I sensed that this couple was being locked in this place, unable to escape. I was aware of this, and left anyway.
I chose to have nothing to do with them.
These past few days have been very intense for me spiritually. I'm being shown many things, and being convicted of some things. Communication is what God is coming down pretty hard on me over right now. He has shown me that these two people in the dream represent two negative forms of communication that I am familiar with, being ways that I personally have coped with situations, and also people that I know. The woman represented emotional outbursts, the man represented passivity and avoidance. Neither one is effective.
I have been praying for God to show me a better way. I "know" the better way- I read it in the Bible, I hear it spoken of- but I have never been able to achieve it on a consistent basis. He's showing me exactly what it means to communicate properly.
It's a good feeling to humble yourself before the Lord. It's a good feeling to unclench your fists and let go, to ask for, and receive instruction.
I lack nothing because I have Jesus Christ. He meets my every need. Last night as I cried, leaning against the wall in prayer, I asked Him to hug me.
I have been single for years, hugs are becoming a foreign concept to me. I am chaste, in every sense of the word. I have only a small handful of friends that I can confide in, and even among them, I am reserved, guarding my heart with the utmost care. I save my tears for Jesus.
What are you struggling with?
Do you know that He can meet your every need?